Great Pumpkin Hunt Winner
Congratulations to the Great Pumpkin Hunt Winner Mitchell Pauley! His ticket was randomly drawn from those received from our geocaching adventure. Enjoy your new Kindle Fire!

Prom Dress Drive
From now until January the library will be accepting gently used formal dresses, shoes, jewelry, etc. Items should be newer and clean. All sizes needed. We’re hosting an event in early spring. Details to come.

September Family Movie
Join us in the library meeting room on Friday September 25 at 3:15 p.m. for a viewing of Home. We’ll have popcorn to snack on. All ages welcome.

Make Your Own Caramel Apple
Join us Thursday September 24 after school for a treat to go. All ages welcome.
Historymobile Rescheduled for November
Get ready for a trip back in time! The Historymobile will be at the library from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. on November 10. This interactive exhibit is provided by the Kentucky Historical Society. The current exhibit highlights Kentuckians during the Civil War. Stop by for free family fun!
Community Partners
Partnerships develop strong communities. At the LCPL we are proud to have established partnerships with the following organizations: Lawrence County Extension Office Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Blaine Community Center Blaine Elementary School Fallsburg Elementary School Louisa East Elementary School Louisa West Elementary School Lawrence County High School Trinity Christian Academy North East Head Start Louisa East Elementary Resource … Continue reading
Library Geocaching Event Guidelines
What is geocaching? Geocaching is real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. Most geocachers participate for the thrill of the hunt with no contest involved. This is perfectly fine, in fact we welcome all treasure hunters!! However, our … Continue reading
Make Your Own Guitar Pick
We now have a guitar pick punch! Bring old gift cards or any type of thin plastic to the library to make your picks. They can even be used to make jewelry. The possibilities are endless!
2015 Summer Reading Contest Winners
Our 2015 Summer Reading Contest Winners were: Kids: Kayla Ham Teens: Bridget Binion Adult: Misty Caldwell Join us next summer for another chance to win. Congrats to the winners and keep reading!

Summer Internship Program a Success
Thank you to our LCPL Summer Interns! We had 13 teen volunteers ages 13-18 in our first ever summer internship program. This group provided us with over 250 service hours this summer. Certificates and letters of recognition were given to each student to be used for scholarship or college applications. The program was coordinated by LCPL Children’s Librarian, Deanna Farris. Standing: … Continue reading