Make Your Own Derby Hat
Join us on the 141st Kentucky Derby day for some fun hat making! We’ll provide the hats and decorations, but feel free to bring anything else you’d like to put on your hat. You can make it as pretty or as wacky as you’d like. Drop in Saturday, May 2 between 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the library meeting room. … Continue reading
Next ‘Pinterest Monday’ – April 13, 2015
The next Pinterest Monday project will be t-shirt headbands. Bring your own shirt(s).
Next ‘Pinterest Monday’ – April 6, 2015
T-shirt scarves will be our next Pinterest Monday project. Join us Monday, April 6 at 1:00 p.m. in the library meeting room. Bring your own t-shirt.
DAR traveling trunk a hit with local students
On March 12, 2015 the Louisa Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) in partnership with the LCPL presented over 100 Lawrence County students with the DAR “Traveling Trunk.” The trunk is loaned from the national DAR museum for use with school programs across the country. The trunk includes artifacts that demonstrate the social and cultural history of … Continue reading
Join the library’s county wide egg hunt
County Wide Egg Hunt Starting Monday, March 30 all eggs will be in place by 5:00 p.m. Look for large 16 and 12 inch colorful eggs with the library’s logo on the outside. No clues will be given. Get out and explore your county! (Don’t forget Fallsburg and Blaine). Eggs must be returned intact to the library front desk no … Continue reading
We want to hear from you!
We are in the process of developing a long range plan for the library. One step in this process is to get input from the public. Input from our community is critical in helping us evaluate the current library and plan for the future. We are hosting three public input meetings on Thursday, April 16 at the library. The meetings … Continue reading
Genealogy Workshop: Saturday April 4
This event has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 4 from 10:00 a.m. – noon. The Daughters of the American Revolution (Louisa chapter) is hosting a free genealogy workshop. The workshop is designed for beginner to advance. Please call the library at 638-4497 to register.
Pinterest Monday’s Coming in March
Every Monday starting March 30 we will host “Pinterest Monday’s” at 1:00 p.m. Stop in and participate in the latest project we’ve chosen from Pinterest.
DAR Colonial Traveling Trunk
The LCPL is proud to host the Daughters of the American Revolution Colonial Traveling Trunk. The trunk will be here Wednesday, March 12 at noon. Suitable for younger children, the trunk is filled with reproduction toys, games, music, clothing, and other items used during the colonial era. Come enjoy a fun history lesson with your little ones!
Summer Reading Program Announced
We are excited to announce this year’s summer reading program will be “Every Hero has a Story.” Summer reading will run June 19 – July 10 for all ages. More information to come.